Tuesday, 22 November 2016


If we don’t always start from Nature we certainly come to her in our hour of need.” (Henry Miller, 1957)

Apparently being in nature changes our brains and increases our well-being.  The results of many studies into the effect nature has on us is well documented.  I mean it’s not rocket science is it?  However, whilst urban-dwelling people who seek out green spaces within their towns and cities seem intuitively to understand the personal health and well-being benefits which arises from their contact with ‘nature’, public health strategies are yet to maximise the untapped resource nature provides.

This month, I have decided to go outside once a week with a camera and stick and film bits of nature.  It’s the Gorgeous Media approach to encouraging everyone to get at least a bit connected with nature.  The results have been good so far:  Obviously, going out into green space has made me feel weller!  It’s also challenged me to look closer at where I live and try to capture the natural beauty of the simple green spaces around us.

I’ve been sharing my one minute “Outside” films on Facebook and have been getting positive feedback – as I just ask people to sit and watch these short, unedited, uncomplicated single shot vignettes for just a minute every few days.
It sounds twinkly I know.  However, there is also a technical benefit to this regular film exercise – I am forcing myself to use my camera to show the viewer what I see in the most interesting, visually stimulating way possible – so I am thinking quite creatively about shadow and light, choice of lenses and depth of field.  I am also being careful to keep everything simple, so I am not going for hugely complex, smart-arse shots, but trying to capture a moment.  I want to know what emotional response people have when they watch these films – I shall therefore post the first few on here for you.
Let me know.  And if you like them, find me on Facebook and give me a LIKE – I intend to post material up there regularly for the rest of the year.  Who knows?  I might even keep it going for twelve months ðŸ™‚


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